Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Shania Twain’s Tofu Scramble (Video)

Shania Twain has accomplished quite a bit in the world of country music. She’s been named Entertainer of the Year by both the Academy of Country Music and the Country Music Association, has a star on Canada’s Walk of Fame and in her hometown in Ontario, Canada, Twain has a street named after her.

She can also whip up a mean tofu scramble in only 5 minutes.

Now that DOES impress us much.

Twain’s tofu scramble lists cheese in the ingredients, but it can be made just as impressive without it.

With fresh baby spinach, broccoli, onions and asparagus, this scramble might score a star in your kitchen’s walk of fame.

The video below shows Twain making the scramble and the recipe is located here.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Meatless Monday Recipe–Shania Twain’s Tofu Scramble (Video)”

  1. Kat Says:

    I love country musicians who are vegetarian 🙂