Quantcast Vegetarian StarTreehugger’s Graham Hill Publishes “Weekday Vegetarian” eBook On Kindle

Weekday Vegetarian Book Graham Hill

How does Treehugger.com‘s founder do his part to help the environment even though he’s not a full time vegan? He simply eats a vegetarian diet for the majority of the week.

This “Weekday Vegetarian” plan was first discussed at a TED conference in February 2010 and now Graham Hill has written a book on it and published it exclusively to Amazon Kindle.

From Treehugger.com:

Graham provides compelling arguments for why you can, and should, become a weekday vegetarian. Whether you do it for environmental, animal welfare or health reasons or a combination of all of those things, the book explains how you can make a difference locally, globally and within your own home simply by rethinking your food choices.

Besides being paperless and eco-friendly, Amazon Kindle books are a convenient way to peruse dozens, hundreds and even thousands of materials without worrying about how to store, recycle of give away paper copies of the books. At a little over $100, the Kindle stores thousands of titles and most ebooks downloaded to Kindle are also available for the Kindle App on iPad, iPhone, and all Android devices.

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