Quantcast Vegetarian StarWhy Pippa Black Of “Outsourced” Went Vegetarian

Pippa Black

Australian actress Pippa Black has been involved with several vegetarian causes. The Outsourced star was the voice behind a character in Tegan the Vegan, an animated short film about a girl teased for her diet choice. She’s also recorded a PSA for PETA protesting factory farms.

Black was only six years old when she learned the family’s pork chops were the only item on the plate that didn’t grow from a tree or out of the ground.

“We were eating a meal of chops and three veg, and I was talking with my parents about where carrots came from; they said carrots grew in the ground,” Black told Vegetarian Times in its June 2011 issue. “We talked about the other vegetables and got to the chops, and I asked what a chops grew on. My parents looked at each other like, “Who is going to tell her?” I felt betrayed they would make me eat an animal. After that I remember hiding my pet cat, hoping the cat wasn’t going to end up on a dinner.”

These days Pippa spends much of her time playing with her food dehydrator making things she knows grow in dirt like kale chips.

Photo: PR Photos

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2 Responses to “Why Pippa Black Of “Outsourced” Went Vegetarian”

  1. Karina Says:

    There’s a reason why most parents don’t tell their kids where meat really comes from and this is that reason: because most children still have empathy for animals and wouldn’t eat meat anymore if they knew the truth.

  2. herwin Says:

    i am not sure but since she is described here as a vegetarian, does that means she does eats eggs and drinks milk and still doesn’t realise that milk and egg don’t grow in the dirt but come from animal factory farms ?