Quantcast Vegetarian StarKathy Freston Vegan Ingredient Swap List

Kathy Freston Vegan Ingredient Swap List

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 6th, 2011 in Authors, Food & Drink.

Kathy Freston "Veganist"

Vegans, how many times have you heard the question, “But how do you make [insert food item] without [insert animal product]?”

If we all got a dollar for every time we had to answer, we might be able to buy out the meat industry!

Kathy Freston knows this question will never end, so she’s kindly posted a few of her suggestions for meat, cheese, eggs and every animal product in book.

Here’s a little guide for swapping in the kitchen if you’re easing into the vegan lifestyle. And a nice flashcard set for vegans to make to give to anyone who ever asks again, “But what would I use for eggs in a cake?”

  • Instead of milk or cream, use almond, soy or cashew cream
  • Instead of butter, use Earth Balance (you would not know the difference)
  • Instead of chicken broth, use vegetable broth
  • Instead of chicken, use Gardein, seitan or tofu
  • Instead of ground beef, use Smart Ground meatless crumbles or lentils
  • Instead of cheese, use Daiya or Teese non-dairy cheese


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One Response to “Kathy Freston Vegan Ingredient Swap List”

  1. Ann Says:

    What about Vegan Skin Care? Arbonne is 100% vegan certified.