Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlicia Silverstone Writes To “Dog Wars” App Maker

Alicia Silverstone Writes To “Dog Wars” App Maker

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 26th, 2011 in Actresses, Animal Issues, Tech.

Alicia Silverstone has written a letter to the company that created Dog Wars, the Android app that’s angering dog lovers nationwide, as it allows players to use pit bulls in dog fighting scenarios.

Silverstone addressed the CEO of Google, the owner of Android and Kage Games LLC, the maker of the app.

“When I read about the new game Dog Wars, I couldn’t believe my eyes,” Silverstone wrote. “As a mom-to-be and someone who has adopted and loved rescued pit bulls, I join PETA’s millions of members in imploring you to cancel this game immediately. If one dog dies as a result of this game, you will not forgive yourself.”

Dog Wars has even attracted the protest of Michael Vick, who was convicted for his involvement with dog fighting and is currently working with Humane Society to reach out to youth in order to prevent them from engaging in the illegal activity.

“I’ve come to learn the hard way that dogfighting is a dead-end street,” Vick said. “Now, I am on the right side of this issue, and I think it’s important to send the smart message to kids, and not glorify this form of animal cruelty, even in an Android app.”

It’s estimated there are about 40,000 dog fighters who call themselves “professional” at the task, but that figure doesn’t include teenagers who are in less former rings. A representative from the Humane Society told CNN that the numbers of pit bulls–the main type of dog used in dog fighting–showing up in shelters is a sign that dog fighting activity is increasing.

Sadly, that number has been increasing, along with the number of dogs that show up with scars–an indicator they’ve been involved in fighting.

Photo: PR Photos

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3 Responses to “Alicia Silverstone Writes To “Dog Wars” App Maker”

  1. Alicia Silverstone Speaks Out Against Dog Fighting App | ecorazzi.com :: the latest in green gossip Says:

    […] Vegetarian Star GA_googleFillSlot("Post_468x60"); var Scribol; if(typeof Scribol=='undefined'){Scribol={}; […]

  2. Alicia Silverstone Speaks Out Against Dog Fighting App | pcgamestore.co.za Says:

    […] towards an already largely abused breed of dogs. There is no satire here. Just cruelty. Via Vegetarian Star This entry was posted in Games and tagged fighting games. Bookmark the permalink. ← […]

  3. Alicia Silverstone Speaks Out Against Dog Fighting App | Pet Pro Plus Says:

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