Quantcast Vegetarian StarBonnie-Jill Laflin PETA Ad Recruits For A Different Team (Video)

If you want her body, and you think she’s sexy, come on sugar and go veg.

As the NBA’s first female scout, Bonnie-Jill Laflin may have spent some time in the locker room, but never like this.

These days Laflin is recruiting for a different team. She trying to convince more people to adopt a vegan and vegetarian diet through her latest PETA ad.

The ad which reads, “Want My Body? Go Vegetarian” has a few selling points to help convince potential players to commit, such as the fact that vegetarians are less likely than meat eaters to suffer from many diseases linked to meat like obesity, heart disease, diabetes and certain types of cancers.

Vegetarians are also less likely to hurt an animal during their next meal, as Laflin told PETA:

“I hope after seeing this campaign that people will … want to go to PETA.org and get more educated and see what happens to these animals in slaughterhouses and how horrible it is, because basically you’re eating fear. So when you see these animals being slaughtered and tortured, that you’ll think twice about ordering that steak.”

Below is Laflin’s exclusive interview with PETA.

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2 Responses to “Bonnie-Jill Laflin PETA Ad Recruits For A Different Team (Video)”

  1. Katherine Says:

    She’s a beautiful woman and I back her on the cause, but as someone who works in a field dominated by men I don’t know if this was the best move career wise….

  2. Katherine Says:

    Nevermind, after looking her up, looking sexy IS her career lol