Quantcast Vegetarian StarCNN’s Female Food Entrepreneurs Article Features Vegan Pure Bar Creator

CNN has an article titled “7 Woman Who Turned Food Into Careers” which highlights a maker of raw, vegan, fruit and nut bars.

Veronica Bosgraaf’s daughter announced at the tender age of six that she was going veg after she figured out the meal on her plate was the animal she played with earlier at the petting zoo.

Bosgraaf started making snacks for her daughter, whose consumption of the treats at school and other events generated curiosity–and requests.

While most manufacturers were looking for someone who would create big batches of product, Bosgraaf wanted to keep her bars small and fresh. She finally found her match with a facility in Oregon.

Pure Bars are made with whole ingredients, gluten-free, vegan and Kosher.

Bosgraaf keeps a regular blog on Pure Bar’s website. She’s recently discussed the issue of whether humans need dairy.

“This is a hard one for me,” Bosgraaf writes. “I grew up in the Midwest where milk, cheese and ice cream were a part of every day. Old habits die hard. But one thing I have noticed is the more vegetarian foods I eat, the less I crave meat, and dairy products. What is my body telling me?”

“There are plenty of foods that supply us with the calcium and protein we need without the added saturated fat and calories. Milk and cheese are not essentials in our diet despite what the USDA may say. There are many cultures that eat very little or no dairy products yet have no greater rates of osteoporosis or calcium deficiencies. The problem is that most people in our country are not educated on what they can eat to replace dairy in their lives and therefore may be in danger of not getting enough calcium.”

Read Bosgraaf’s list of plant-based dairy sources on her blog and learn more about Pure Bar.


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