Quantcast Vegetarian StarJamie Oliver Invites Live Cow To Star In First “Food Revolution” Episode (Video)

If you missed the premier of Jamie Oliver‘s Food Revolution season 2, it’s now available online to view.

Banned from stirring things up in school kitchens, Oliver has to promote his healthier way of heating in different settings.

One interesting demonstration he did for the first episode was to show parents and children where their food comes from. This was accomplished by bringing a live cow into the room.

To a vegetarian, the site may have looked rather gruesome, as the cow’s body was sectioned off into parts and labeled for cost. The point was to show that cuts of beef that are more expensive come from certain areas, but the U.S. government allows meat from areas that would normally not be fit for human consumption to go into human food if the producer does a few tricks to it.

Like douse it with ammonia.

Yes, the chemical would normally be on the list of items to contact the Poison Control Center if swallowed, but producers can wash trimmings of meat with it to remove e. coli and other microbes, then put a certain allowable percentage of these ammonia washed parts in patties.

Don’t know what would be a worst turn off, the fact that meat can be processed with these ingredients to make it suitable or seeing a live cow next to the ground beef you’d normally consume on a daily basis.

There was at least one vegan in the audience. Hopefully, a few more considered swinging that way after Oliver’s demonstration.

For the extra-sensitive vegetarians and activists who watch this, at least there’s one positive note from this.

Oliver told his cow actress she would never be turned into beef because she was “much too talented.”

The classroom demonstration starts around minute 6:00, with the cow making her debut around minute 11.

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