Quantcast Vegetarian StarLarry King Can’t Go Vegan Like Bill Clinton Due To Mommy Issues (Video)

Larry King is an accomplished radio and TV host well into his 70s, has interviewed some of the most famous names dropped by the media and has an attitude that shouldn’t make him scared of anything.

But dude is scared of what his mother would say if he came home and became a vegan.

During an event to raise awareness about heart disease, the Larry King Cardiac Foundation dinner, a reporter from the Washington Times asked King if he could ever go vegan like Bill Clinton, citing how the former president learned that a vegan diet could reverse and prevent heart disease.

King’s excuse was he couldn’t go vegan because he’s Jewish.

“What, are you kidding? If I came home to my mother and said, ‘Listen, Mom, from now on only vegetables,’ she would go, “Only vegetables? That’s what he wants? Only vegetables?” He then rambled on about how his mother would not be able to handle that, given her routine trips to the local deli.

What would some of the popular vegan Jewish celebrities like Matisyahu say? Or Jewish moms like Mayim Bialik,who sought out a vegan pediatrician to advise on her son’s diet?

Dr. Richard H. Schwartz, Ph.D., might tell King he’d have an easier time pleasing Jewish mothers everywhere who want their boys and men to keep Kosher. Eating vegan, King wouldn’t have to worry about finding Kosher meat, using separate dishes for meat and dairy foods, or consuming any animal blood.

Larry, we think mom would be happy with that.

Photo: PR Photos

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