Meatless Mouthful–Ellen DeGeneres Asks Canada Fans To Help End Seal Hunt
Written by Vegetarian Star on April 8th, 2011 in Animal Issues, Meatless Mouthful, TV Hosts.
“Seal hunting is one of the most atrocious and inhumane acts against animals allowed by any government. Canada is allowing the slaughter of a record number of seals in their 2011 hunting season, which is going on right now. The seals are often younger than 3 months old. This has to stop. To my friends and fans in Canada: please help put a stop to this.”
—Ellen DeGeneres, on a post to her show’s website, calling for fans to donate to help end the seal hunt. This year, the Canadian government has set a quota for 468,200 seals that can be killed.
Photo: PR Photos
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June 2nd, 2011 at 3:58 pm
The Seal population in Eastern Canada is climbing above 9 million, each seal eats over a tonne of fish a year (5 kilos per day), the seal population must be controlled. There is never a pretty way to kill any animal, but the seal hunt is more humane than a slaughter house in veterinary opinions. The organisations and people who claim that the seal hunt is cruel never bring any evidence forward to use for prosecutions although requested to do so. Easy to claim the seal hunt is cruel. but have you seen any evidence or are you repeating hearsay or relying on ‘doctored’ films.
Scientists are proposing a cull to preserve fish stocks, and to prevent a future epidemic among seals. Eventually an excessive number of poorly nourished seals lying next to one other will spread diseases with coughs and sneezes like distemper, which could kill half the seal population and spread to other marine mammals like polar bears. If a cull does take place, then the killing will not be as humane. For instance for a cull on Sable Island it is proposed using a low power 0.22 calibre silenced rifle, which will achieve about 85% first shot kills compared with over 99% first shot kills with the military power .223 rifles used in the hunt. The seals carcase will be wasted. There is nothing immoral in wearing fur, like leather its an animal skin, and making use of it is much better for the environment than using a synthetic substitute.
June 12th, 2011 at 4:00 pm
These people don’t care if all the fish and seafood stocks are depleted in Canada as long as the seals are saved.