Quantcast Vegetarian StarMario Batali Launches Edible Garden At New York Botanical Garden (Video)

Mario Batali will return to the New York Botanical Garden to help the organization kick off its 2011 gardening season and launch his Edible Garden.

On April 12, 2011, Batali will be joined by Bronx schoolchildren to celebrate both the benefits of gardening and the 25th anniversary of the Ruth Rea Howell Family Garden, a hands-on exhibit at the Botanical Garden that teaches gardening techniques.

Batali will prepare vegetable beds and plant seeds for his Edible Garden, an exhibit that runs for several months starting in August, featuring the celebrity chef’s favorite vegetables, cooking demonstrations from Batali and recipes using plants from the garden.

Batali made one of his New Year’s resolutions for 2011 to “master more vegetarian dishes” that can be cooked as a team.

A clip of Batali at the New York Botanical Garden from a previous year can be viewed below.

Photo: PR Photos

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