Quantcast Vegetarian StarJane Velez-Mitchell Tackles GoDaddy.com CEO Tonight On “Issues”

Jane Velez-Mitchell is going after daddy on tonight’s Issues with Jane Valez-Mitchell on CNN’s Headline News.

Vegan Jane doesn’t have problems with the way she grew up, she’s going after Godaddy.com CEO Bob Parsons for shooting an elephant in Zimbabwe, which can be seen in a video that went viral and prompted outrage.

In addition to her rant about Daddy, Jane will host True Blood‘s Kristin Bauer, who will discuss chimpanzees at the Alamogordo Primate Facility in New Mexico that were retired from research, then placed back into laboratories.

The NIH has suspended plans to move almost 200 more chimpanzees into the labs in New Mexico, but stars such as Emily Deschanel have urged officials to retire the dozen or so that were moved before the decision was made to halt moving more chimps to the facility.

Issues airs tonight at 7 p.m. eastern time on CNN Headline News.

Photo: PR Photos

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