Quantcast Vegetarian StarBob Barker Establishes Animal Law Program At Community College

Bob Barker has once again contributed to using higher education to educate on animal welfare by establishing a fund at one community college for students to study animal law.

Barker donated $100,000 to Hudson Valley Community College Foundation to create the Bob Barker Animal Advocacy Fund, which will be used to set up courses in animal law.

Course at HVCC funded by Barker’s fund will include topics such as animal cruelty investigation, animal control, lobbying for animal protection, shelter management and veterinary science.

Careers in animal law have become increasingly popular over the past few years. Through outreach efforts done by non-profit animal advocate agencies like the Humane Society and farm animal rescue sanctuaries, more and more people have come to realize how great animal protection and reform is needed.

At the entry level, careers in animal law may include shelter workers, wildlife rehabilitators or animal control officers. Further on the education spectrum, animal law is becoming a popular area of practice for attorneys.

“We’re excited to be the only community college in the nation offering this type of academic certificate program in Animal Advocacy,” HVCC President Matonak said in a statement. “It’s another example of our faculty seeing a need and finding a way to fill it.”

Barker has created several other animal law programs at colleges and university, both at the undergraduate and law school level.

Photo: PR Photos

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