Quantcast Vegetarian StarCharlie Sheen’s Goddess Rachel Oberlin Gives Vegan Pizza Recipe

Charlie Sheen‘s tiger blood may make him carnivorous now, but according to his “Goddess,” one of his live-in girlfriends Rachel Oberlin, also known by her adult star name as Bree Olson, Charlie’s completely open to vegan dishes.

Oberlin is a vegan and recently interviewed with OK! Magazine about the factors that led her to make the switch and what it’s like living with non-vegans like Charlie.

It can’t be too bad because the trio has a vegan chef.

“Charlie is very open to eating vegan dishes,” Oberlin said. “I was pleasantly surprised to see that he often chooses the vegan options over the non-vegan ones and will always eat anything vegan I prepare for him. That means a lot to me.”

One of those vegan dishes Charlie enjoys so much may be Oberlin’s vegan pizza. It’s simple, and you could probably memorize the list of ingredients.

Pizza crust
• Tomato sauce
• Spices
• Mushrooms
• Avocado
• Red onions
• Green peppers
• Vegan “mozzarella cheese”
• Vegan Italian “sausage”

Oberlin went vegan after reading the popular vegan diet book, Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman.

“I read the book in one sitting and changed my whole diet overnight,” she said.

OK! Magazine

Photo: PR Photos

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