Paul McCartney Supports Ban Of Animal Tested Cosmetics Sold In European Union
Written by Vegetarian Star on March 11th, 2011 in Animal Issues, Cosmetics And Beauty Products, Male Musicians, Male Singers.
Paul McCartney has voiced his support for a campaign to end the sale of cosmetics in the European Union that have been tested on animals.
The EU has already banned cosmetic testing on animals. And the ban to sale such cosmetics was originally scheduled to take place in 2013, but some officials want the ban delayed.
McCartney and other celebrities are using the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection’s (BUAV) campaign in hopes of convincing officials to adhere to the timeline.
“Animals should not suffer in the name of beauty,” McCartney said. “Testing toiletries and cosmetics on animals is cruel and unnecessary. Join me in signing the BUAV’s petition to ensure the sale of cruel products in the EU is outlawed by 2013. Say NO to Cruel Cosmetics.”
Michelle Thew, Chief Executive of BUAV, said: “We are delighted that Sir Paul has joined our campaign to end cruel tests on animals for beauty products. Please sign our petition to the European Parliament at www.nocruelcosmetics.org. Together we can show there is no public appetite for animal tested cosmetics and urge the European Parliament to vote against delaying this ban.”
Several non-animal tests for cosmetic safety already exist, such as using cell and skin tissues, cornea eye banks and computer and mathematical models. Researchers are continuing to develop more tests, such as those for eye-irritation, that are being adopted by regulatory authorities in several countries, including the United States.
Photo: PR Photos
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April 1st, 2011 at 2:51 pm
I am helping to organise the Algarve Dog Show on 4th and 5th June in Portimao Portugal, It as a fun dog show, to raise funds to help the street dogs, through a neutering program and re homing program, I studied at a collage in Widsor in the late 1970’s and Sir Paul Mccartneys dogs were occasionaly looked after by the kennels, I am trying to see if I can contact him, or his agent to see if her would put in an aperance to boost the visitors tot he show, I remember his dogs as being, poppy lucky midnight and martha. is there any way you would see if you have a way of contacting him via an agent or similar. Many Many thanks on behalf of the thousands of anilamls that are dumped on the street here in portugal.