Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Mark Bittman Thinks It’s Common Sense To Flex

Mark Bittman

“If it’s an anything-movement, it’s a common-sense movement. I do think the worm has turned and people are understanding that the diet that is the most prevalent and easiest is not the diet that’s best.”

Mark Bittman, author and food writer at New York Times, on how more people should adopt a diet that consists of less meat and more plant products. Bittman was featured in an article in the Fargo-Moorhead Forum that discusses the popularity of people who reduce their meat intake without officially declaring themselves vegetarian.

Vegetarian Times, a magazine devoted to recipes and all things food and veg related, has estimated that up to 70% of its readers are flexitarians, looking for meal ideas to replace meat dishes during the day, week or month.

Charles Stahler, co-director of the Vegetarian Resource Group, has estimated that as many as 40% of Americans adhere to a flexitarian diet.

Whether it’s practicing Meatless Monday, vegan until 6 p.m., weekday vegetarian, only eating meat during holidays or eliminating red meat, there are numerous flexitarian plans to fit your preference.

Find and plan that makes sense to you.

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