Waka Flocka Flame Gave Up Red Meat And His Clothes (Video)
Written by Vegetarian Star on March 8th, 2011 in Food & Drink, Male Singers, Nutrition-Health-Fitness, Research + Science, Videos.
After learning how animals are killed for food, Waka Flocka Flame gave up more than his clothes like he did for his recent PETA PSA against fur.
In an exclusive, behind the scenes video with PETA, Waka says he doesn’t even eat red meat anymore, citing the treatment of animals for food as one of his reasons.
Lent is approaching, and many are considering giving up what they consider pleasurable foods such as chocolate and meat. If they continued giving up animals products long after the holiday is over, what are some benefits they might gain?
Medical benefits range from the bones to the bowels.
Here are a few reasons to give up red meat like Waka, from The Independent.
Bowel Cancer: People who eat several portions of meat per week are 30% more likely to develop bowel cancer than those who eat less than one portion per week.
Alzheimer’s Disease: Researchers at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) suggest red meat may cause a buildup of Iron in the brain. To make a long story short, your brain gets rusty.
Bones: Eating meat could cause an imbalance of acidic residues in the body, which forces it to take alkaline materials like Calcium from the bones.
Arthritis: Meat-based diets could increase the risks of rheumatoid arthritis. It’s believed the collagen in meat may trigger the immune response.
Cholesterol: Red meat contains lots of bad cholesterol.
Food Poisoning: E. coli. Mad Cow. One agency suggested that beef, lamb and pork are responsible for 1 in 6 food poisoning outbreaks.
Breast Cancer: A Harvard study suggests that eating more than 100 g of red meat a day could double a woman’s risk of breast cancer.
Photo: PR Photos
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March 9th, 2011 at 11:25 am
PETA is very ignorant with their campaigns.
I’m not “hating” because he’s a rapper (mediocre at that), I love hip-hop “back pack” and “street” it’s just how they go about their marketing.
It’s cool this may get a few people to stop wearing fur, but the layer underneath that is stupid.
March 6th, 2012 at 6:27 pm
it seems he only gave up red meat and not chicken, fish, eggs, or dairy. It is however a step in the right direction and hopefully his “celebrity” will help get the word out and may be influential to some.