Quantcast Vegetarian StarMike Tyson Before And After Vegan Pics On “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” (Video)

The vegan heat on The Ellen DeGeneres show got even hotter as Ellen hosted Mike Tyson recently.

Tyson discussed the death of his daughter, his sobriety and his new body after going vegan.

Before and after shots are shown of Mike’s body before his lost almost 100 pounds.

Ellen: “I am vegan as well. I heard that you are vegan.”
Mike: “Two years. It’s an awesome feeling.”

Ellen: “That’s amazing.”
Mike: “You never really hear or see but that’s a fat coke head right there. You never hear of fat coke heads though.”
Ellen: “You never see fat coke heads.”
Mike: “No you don’t. But as you know, there’s nothing worse than a fat coke head.”
Ellen: “I know. Don’t tell me.”

In addition to the sobriety badge, Mike can sport his drug-free button as well now.

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2 Responses to “Mike Tyson Before And After Vegan Pics On “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” (Video)”

  1. Donald Says:

    I didn’t realize that Mike Tyson had gained so much weight before going Vegan. I guess it was his post-boxing career lifestyle. He looks great after going vegan and I wish him the best.

  2. My Top Five Vegan Celebrities | ASTIG Vegan Says:

    […] demeanor, attitude and diet, I can’t help but have such high respects for the man. And yes, Mike Tyson is now a vegan, which probably explained his more positive outlook! Mike tweeted this back when he was just […]