Quantcast Vegetarian StarIan Somerhalder Wants BC Animal Welfare Laws Updated

Ian Somerhalder

Cruelty to animals bites.

That’s why Vampire Diaries actor Ian Somerhalder is doing his best to put his teeth into those who abuse them through a new campaign at Change.org.

The campaign was created by Somerhalder’s foundation, the Ian Somerhalder Foundation, which the actor founded to draw awareness to environmental and animal issues. It seeks to reform The Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act in British Columbia, some parts of which have not been revised in 100 years.

The ancient laws provide no regulation for businesses that work with animals. It was a recently infamous incident involving an employee that helped shoot and kill 100 sled dogs because tourism was slow that motivated Somerhalder.

“These animals were brutally murdered and the individuals responsible should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Period,” Somerhalder said. “Government officials need to do everything in their power to make sure this sort of tragedy never happens again.”

According to the petition site, employees of Howling Dog Tours contacted the BC SPCA on several occasions before killing the dogs, but were told the organization could not help because the dogs were not adoptable.

A task force assembled by BC Premier Gordon Campbell will be reporting to Agriculture Minister Ben Stewart with their recommendations for reform to animal welfare laws by March 25, 2011.

You can do your part by signing the petition and letting BC officials know you support changes to current laws that will further protect animals from abuse, neglect and death.

Photo: PR Photos

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2 Responses to “Ian Somerhalder Wants BC Animal Welfare Laws Updated”

  1. Karin Gettmann Says:

    This is really cruel and sad. Business above everything?

    What a shame for Canada’s authorities – Canada is not at all a poor country which could not afford animal protection !!!

    I’ve been there a couple of times, at Vancouver, Hamilton, Toronto etc., travelling also through British Columbia and Alberta,
    fascinated by the beautiful nature, horseriding in the hills, climbing up the Rockies, and I’ve got friends there.
    Canada has been my favorite country, and I’ve been thinking about living there.
    But sorry – such killing & slaughtering of sled-dogs is brutal, consciousless and disgusting.

    I am upset.

    Karin Gettmann

  2. shaili deonarain Says:

    That’s very sad and cruel what they are doing to animals
    I agree with Ian Somerhalder to defend the animals because they are not well treated this is cruel they must be ashame of all of that!!!
    I don’ recognise this world!!! This s cruel and thnxx a lot to Ian Somerhalder for this campaigh big kisses and hugs to all thus animals and Ian !!!<3