Quantcast Vegetarian StarArianna Huffington Wendi Murdoch Host Veganist Party For Kathy Freston

Arianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington and Wendi Murdoch hosted a party in celebration of Kathy Freston‘s latest book Veganist: Lose Weight, Get Healthy, Change The World that included famous vegan and non-vegan celebrities like Nicole Kidman, Keith Urban and Moby.

Guests were treated to treats of vegan crab cakes, faux meat skewers and mushroom-wrapped dates stuffed with soy cheese.

Freston’s book has convinced at least one of her host to adopt a more plant-based lifestyle.

According to the Huffington Post, Murdoch has cut dairy from her diet and has implemented Meatless Mondays in her household. According to a statement made by Arianna during the evening, Murdoch is doing exactly what Freston had in mind when she wrote the book.

“When Kathy started talking about veganism, we all thought we were going to feel completely judged by her,” Arianna said. “But the great thing about her is that she’s not judging anybody. She’s just asking us to take baby steps.”

Freston’s book is currently on the New York Times bestsellers list as #3 on Hardcover Advice & Misc., up from her previous spot of #4 earlier this month.

Photo: PR Photos

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