Shiri Appleby Chooses A Man Over Vegan Diet
Written by Vegetarian Star on February 18th, 2011 in Actresses, Food & Drink, Not So Vegetarian.
Shiri Appleby has back stabbed vegans in the super bitchiest of ways.
A former vegan who used to castigate co-stars about their diet went back to eating animals because she thought this would increase her dating ability.
Her current boyfriend, Jon Shook, is the owner of a restaurant called Animal which features delights like pig ears, foie gras and rabbit legs on the menu. Yes, you know it’s going to get worse.
From the New York Times:
“Jon Shook, an owner of Animal, the meat- and fat-centric restaurant in Los Angeles, becomes effusive when he talks about coaxing his girlfriend, Shiri Appleby, a television actress and a former vegan, into eating his fried pork chops. “She’s like 110 pounds, maybe, in wet clothes, and when she’s with me, we eat everything and anything,” he said on the phone. “On our first date, I was like, ‘Hey, why’d you stop being a vegan?’ And she was like, ‘What kind of guy’s going to date a vegan?’ And I was like, ‘You’re awesome.’ ”
And we even wished this chick a happy birthday.
A veg man wrote an open letter to Appleby crushing her carnivorous narcissism.
“Listen, Shiri Appleby, I know it’s hard,” wrote “Mark” at Vegansaurus. “It sucks that your popularity on IMDB is down seven percent this week and the few messages that are left on your message board are mainly about what a bad actress you are (which is not untrue. You are an attractive young woman, and I am sure you are charming in person, but that just doesn’t carry on the TV. You’re like an older, more shrieky Lea Michele. And even Lea Michele is too much Lea Michele, you know?). And it’s just going to get worse because instead of praising you for your work on Roswell, I am going to castigate you for abandoning veganism to find love. Especially creepy, douchey love.”
“Really, Shiri Appleby? This is the image you want people to have of you? That some guy can coax you into eating pork chops and then grow effusive when he talks about how much you weigh and how awesome you are to give up your values (and dare I say agency?)?”
If Appleby is looking for long-term love, she might be a little disappointed with Shook, given what the sexual politics of meat does for a man’s love gun.
Read Mark’s entire letter to Appleby at Vegansauraus.
Photo: PR Photos
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February 18th, 2011 at 4:43 pm
Wow! Really? Wow! And I used to like her. I never understood why someone would give up veganism, but this is the most dumbest and selfish reason I’ve ever heard. If a person truly cares about you, they won’t care if you’re vegan and want make fun of you because of your lifestyle choices.
February 18th, 2011 at 4:44 pm
*won’t make fun
February 18th, 2011 at 8:10 pm
People, you are a bunch of idiots if you are making such a fuss over this.
You really need food and something more on your brains.
This discussion is just pathetic
February 18th, 2011 at 8:16 pm
You are a bunch of angry anorexic people.
It’s not which goeth into but what comes out of the mouth that makes a person unclean or better in this case.
February 18th, 2011 at 11:02 pm
Joana, it is with incredible irony that you would with one sentence judge a stranger for their words and yet follow your comment with the statement of “people, you are a bunch of idiots.” I believe the only angry imbecile on this website is you. Me thinks you doth protest too much, perhaps you are working through some sort of issue which has coerced your ire towards this message board, and for that you have my sympathies. It is, however, quite strange you would spend time on a website like Vegetarian Star, when you clearly lack respect for anyone who doesn’t mirror your “values,” which exclude anyone who would dare apply logic and empathy to their lives.
Your analogy is cute, but I think a truer measure is what “comes out of the mouth” when one has anonymity to hide behind.
February 19th, 2011 at 3:36 am
Joana, that made no sense. Please go away if you have nothing intelligent to say. Thank you so very kindly.
February 19th, 2011 at 8:19 pm
Ummm….maybe she was joking? And if not who cares? Seriously who gives a crap what she does or does not eat?
February 20th, 2011 at 6:12 pm
This is disapointing. I really liked her in Life Unexpected, and I would have been glad to have another celebrity vegetarian to admire, but instead I’m saddened by the fact that she a) gave up on veganism and b) did it to find a man. The feminist in me is more upset than vegetarian.
February 21st, 2011 at 6:21 pm
I can’t be bother being angry at her comment. I’m too busy feeling sorry for this obviously sad woman who’s self worth depends on if she’s in a relationship and how easily she’ll change her lifestyle to please a man.
February 27th, 2011 at 4:17 pm