Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–“Food Inc.” Director Robert Kenner On Local Vs. Organic

Robert Kenner

“I think we need local foods. They might not all be organic. One of the real problems is that all regulations favor bigger business so there are a lot of organic small producers that can’t afford to get certification. Right now about 2% of our food is organic. It’s the fastest growing segment. I think that local is just as important if not more important. And there’s a site, by the way, for your readers. It’s called the Dirty Dozen. It’s the 12 worst things to eat [non-organically]. You don’t want to eat industrial versions of these 12 items.”

Robert Kenner, director of Food Inc. Buying local before organic can save money and fuel used to transport food across the country. But there may be some foods you always want to buy organic, due to the amount of pesticides retained on their surfaces after they’ve been picked. Which fruits and veggies are dirtiest? View the list yourself to find out and always buy those organic to avoid consuming produce known to carry the highest pesticide residues.

via Film Threat

Photo: PR Photos

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