Quantcast Vegetarian StarGervais, Marr And Morrissey Support League Against Cruel Sports

Ricky Gervais

Three British stars are backing a campaign against all forms of hunting as a sport.

Ricky Gervais, Morrissey and Johnny Marr support the League Against Cruel Sports. The league is involved in bringing attention to a variety of hunting involving animals, including bullfighting, dog fighting, greyhound racing and the snaring of animals like foxes and rabbits.

The league is often involved with investigating illegal hunts, campaigning on the legislative level and running sanctuaries designed to protect wildlife in heavily hunted areas.

“Animals are not around just for people to abuse and kill in the name of so-called entertainment and sport, Gervais said. “It’s beyond belief that it actually happens and that certain deluded people get enjoyment from it. I support the League and its campaigns to try and stop cruel sports.”

Former member of The Smiths, Morrissey said: “The moral climate surely tells all intelligent people that the key to the extent of any person’s humanity is in their relationship to – and protection of – animals. People who hunt are under delusions of possession and property and divine right, and their debasement of human standards is always evident in their outrage at ever being questioned about their activities.”

“Sports which involve causing injury to animals are not only cruel but unnecessary and outdated,” said Marr. “I’m sure that given the opportunity then the majority of people would choose to outlaw it. I feel that those who think it’s ok to abuse animals for so called sport are ignorant.”

For more information about the league and its work, visit its webpage.

via Contact Music

Photo: PR Photos

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3 Responses to “Gervais, Marr And Morrissey Support League Against Cruel Sports”

  1. Brien Comerford Says:

    Morrissey, Brian May and Paul McCartney have all denounced hunting and their displeasure with the new coaltion Government in reference to their support of cruelty to animals.

  2. Dawn Says:

    Morrissey~loved him from the Smiths and love him now even more! Well worded. Great job gentleman! 🙂

  3. De Adney Says:

    I love you so much for standing up against the cruelty called hunting. I hope you include fishing, as well. No person has the right to take a life from any living being. God created and God can destroy. That’s His right, not ours. God gave people dominion over the animals to love, cherish and care for them, NOT to torment, kill, abuse and exploit them. God bless you so much for what you’re doing!! Thank you more than I can say.