Quantcast Vegetarian StarPETA Releases Super Bowl Veggie Love Casting Sessions (Video)

Ever spanked yourself with a stick of celery?

If so, and you’re still sitting at a cubicle, you should be spanking yourself now because you could have been a vegetarian porn star!

In perfect timing for the 2011 Super Bowl, PETA has released footage from the filming of its 2009 banned Super Bowl ad that featured scantily clad women performing suggestive sexual acts with vegetables.

The idea behind the ad was to highlight how going veg may prevent medical conditions related to food, which include erectile dysfunction. Saturated fat and cholesterol found in animal products clogs arteries and can restrict blood flow. To all areas of the body.

According to an article at WebMD, vascular diseases, which include atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), hypertension, and high cholesterol, account for 70% of all physically related causes of erectile dysfunction.

“We’re using a fun and sexy way to get a very serious point across: Going vegan is best thing you can do for animals, the planet, your health, and your sex life,” said PETA Senior Vice President Lisa Lange. “There’s nothing sexier in the world than someone with a lot of passion and the compassion to match.”

According to PETA, the banned Super Bowl video is one of their most watched.

We have no idea why.

Watch and tell us what your favorite vegetable sex act is.

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2 Responses to “PETA Releases Super Bowl Veggie Love Casting Sessions (Video)”

  1. Katherine Says:

    I don’t know why this is necessary. I’ve done stuff with PETA and always stood up for them using sexy girls as a way to at least garner attention, but this is like gastro porn and seems ridiculous.
    Especially since many meat eaters still eat all of those vegetables. At least the ones I know do. So I don’t see how it’s advocating a vegetarian diet, just that you can make beautiful girls do ridiculous sexual things with vegetables…

  2. Orlando Says:

    These are not real outtakes. They were shot a year later to look like “outtakes” or “casting tapes”.

    PeTA is lying to you.