Quantcast Vegetarian StarOprah’s Man Stedman Graham Staying Vegan (Video)

Oprah’s Man Stedman Graham Staying Vegan (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 1st, 2011 in Film & TV, TV Hosts, Videos.

Oprah Winfrey and Stedman Graham

Although we’re disappointed that Oprah Winfrey won’t be sticking to her vegan diet the second time around either, we’re happy to report her longtime partner Stedman Graham told her he’d like to continue.

“I’m not ready to commit to the whole thing,” Oprah said. “But this morning, Stedman said that he wanted to continue and I go, ‘Well, go right ahead with yourself.'”

Stedman is a professor and businessman who’s been paid several thousand dollars for giving speeches on his area of expertise.

Oprah’s director Joe Terry can probably also be counted as a conversion. Ever since that first high-fiber plant-based meal he’s consumed, he’s had the best time in the bathroom with his bowels.

When Oprah pressed Terry to explain what he meant by the diet “agrees with him” in terms of his bathroom habits, he replied, “Great, honest to goodness, great. If you want to go there, let’s go there. Great.”

Photo: PR Photos

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