Quantcast Vegetarian StarJonathan Safran Foer Dog Won’t Stop “Eating Animals” Anytime Soon

Jonathan Safran Foer

After several months of intensely investigating animal farms before penning the book, “Eating Animals,” Jonathan Safran Foer knew he needed to stay the course and eat vegetarian.

Convincing his dog to follow this same, animal and eco-friendly diet, however, may take some work.

Foer revealed to The Guardian, “I tried, but it just didn’t sit well with her stomach. I don’t feel guilty about it – dogs aren’t people.”

Foer has found a way to be more ethical about this approach, though.

“But I buy dog food for her that is advertised as non-factory farmed. Curiously it’s no more expensive.”

If your dog can’t be convinced to go vegetarian after he or she reads Eating Animals, perhaps it’s time to let the tastebuds do a little walking around the different brands of vegetarian dog food available.

Boston Baked Bonz, Dr. Harvey’s and Mr. Barky’s are all places to start Fido’s adventure in the vegetarian dog world.

Photo: David Shankbone/Creative Commons

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