Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Portlandia” Offers Happy Animal Farms When Real Life Doesn’t (Video)

“Portlandia” is a new IFC series that picks up on mocking the green, progressive lifestyle where the not as successful animated series The Goode Family left off.

Premiering Friday the 21st on the IFC, Portlandia takes place in Oregon where “the dream of the 90s is alive,” meaning no character is left without a bicycle to ride around town, a recycling bin in the backyard and goes a week without patronizing the locally owned coffee shop and bookstore.

Obviously food is a huge part of living green and the first episode features a couple dining at a restaurant that professes to serve humane chicken. An intense investigation takes place at the table, resulting in the waitress bringing the couple a file with the chicken’s photo and a lengthy sheet about its diet and the space it actually had to roam during its lifetime. There is a file for each chicken eaten, complete with name. This one’s named Collen.

The couple has its doubts and leaves the restaurant heading to the farm to check out the conditions for themselves.

Unfortunately, happy farms in real life don’t provide files for each egg laying hen or milk producing heffer and even your organic and free-range farms don’t always live up to the hype advertised by the farmers.

Just last year, the Humane Society filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission, asking them to stop Rose Acre Farms, the country’s second-largest egg producer, from making false and misleading animal welfare claims.

While Rose Acres representatives claimed the farms provided a “humane and friendly environment” for the hens, investigations uncovered birds trapped in the wires of battery cages and unable to reach food and water, corpses of hens in cages with live hens and birds with broken bones and prolapsed uteruses not receiving medical treatment.

Below is another clip from Portlandia, “I Dream of the 90s,” with a tune you might catch yourself singing while taking a (shorter) shower.

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One Response to ““Portlandia” Offers Happy Animal Farms When Real Life Doesn’t (Video)”

  1. You are shit Says:

    I don’t eat meat, drive, and I live in Portland, However you should fuck off and die. No, really you don’t have a sense of humor; your the problem with Portland/portlandi. I could say so much more but I have to go back to enjoying life and not thinking of this.
    maybe ill go watch portiandi…..