Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Crazy Sexy Diet” Reaches #1 On Amazon’s Best Seller List

In less than 48 hours after its release, Kris Carr‘s Crazy Sexy Diet has reached #1 on the Amazon bestseller’s list.

The book is #1 in both the Diets and Motivational categories.

Crazy Sexy Diet has contributions from several people famous for promoting a plant-based diet, including actress Emily Deschanel, Skinny Bitch author Rory Freedman, author and founder and president of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute Dr. Dean Ornish and Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States.

If  anything’s worth celebrating, it’s a veg diet and lifestyle book dominating the sales chart!

Carr gave a glimpse inside the  book today on Good Morning America where she shared one of her favorite juice recipes.

Besides the “Make  Juice  Not War,” Crazy Sexy Diet chapters cover managing sugar intake and the glycemic index, meditation, supplements, animal products and health, cleansing, digestion and  more.

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