Quantcast Vegetarian StarNatalie Portman Accepts Golden Globe In Stella McCartney Heels, Ethical Jewelry (Video)

Natalie Portman won Best Actress for her role in “Black Swan” at the Golden Globe awards.

The veg actress accepted the honor in leather-free shoes designed by vegetarian Stella McCartney and a necklace and earrings by Tiffany & Co., a jewelry company interested in sourcing conflict-free diamonds.

Conflict diamonds, or blood diamonds, are usually obtained in Africa in places where the money from the stones are used to fund rebellious activities against government, such as financing weapons. The result is many innocent people are murdered and child labor violations as well, as children are often recruited to work in the rebellious armies.

In a 2007 survey of jewel retailers by Global Witness and Amnesty International, Tiffany & Co. was one of the 3 companies out of 37 that were credited for using some of the most comprehensive policies to combat the sourcing of blood diamonds, which include using both international and third-party auditing procedures.

More on the use of Tiffany’s efforts to keep conflict diamonds out of its supply can be found here.

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