Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Criminal Minds” Kirsten Vangsness Dropped Fish For Full Time Vegetarianism

Kirsten Vangsness

What’s better than a pescatarian who only eats more sustainable wild caught fish? A former pescatarian who’s even better for the environment because she eats zero fish!

Kirsten Vangsness of Criminal Minds has given up Charlie for good and become a full time vegetarian!

It appears that the CBS series where Vangsness stars as the FBI’s top technical analyst put a temporary cramp in her vegetarian lifestyle and she started to consume fish.

“It’s been 10 years, except for at the beginning of the show when I got out of it and ate fish,” Vangness told Vegetarian Times in the January/February 2011 issue.

“But then I stopped; it became too much of a negative emotional experience to eat a creature. Eating vegetarian is a wonderful way to tread lighter on the Earth, and it feels better physically and emotionally for me. Nothing I could think of would taste as good as that feeling.”

Unfortunately, many of the fish humans consume like tuna, cod, halibut and flounder are large, top predators which keep the ecosystem in check. Overfishing by large commercial vessels depletes these fishes’ numbers much faster than they can be replaced. On the animal rights side, recent studies have also found fish feel pain. And who really wants their office cubicle smelling like tuna every day, right?

Are you a pescatarian thinking of going full veggie like Kirsten?

Photo: PR Photos

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