Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Jersey Shore” Vinny Guadagnino Gives Sister Vegan Gift Certificate

Snooki may not have a clue about where tofu comes from, but Vinny Guadagnino knows what to get a vegan for Christmas.

The “Jersey Shore” star was reported to have given his vegan sister a gift certificate to an all-vegan food store.

The Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa season may be over, but there’s always Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and birthdays just around the corner. If you’re getting a gift for a veg-head, you may want to consider choosing from the following items presented here by Vegetarian Star, affordable for any regular person who doesn’t make $30,000 per episode like the Jersey Shore cast does.

1. Organic Clothing. Vegetarians and vegans are often environmentally conscious and would love to receive a shirt or sweater that didn’t involve pouring pounds of pesticides on the fiber crops.

2. A membership to a local co-op. These places are stocked with natural, vegetarian and vegan food and often offer great discounts to members.

3. Vegan Wine Sampler. Every smart veg knows many wines are made or refined with animal products. Is this why you never see your vegan sorority sister getting drunk at parties and dancing on the table? Get her a vegan wine sampler, watch her enjoy the cruelty-free tipisiness and get even after you take photos of her inebriated experience.

4. A donation to an animal charity in their name. Farm animal sanctuaries, local pet shelters and organizations like the Humane Society, PETA and the ASPCA are just a few of the places where both the thought and money count a long ways towards helping neglected, abandoned or otherwise in need animals.

5. A free meal. You may not be an Iron Chef, but can you at least buy a bag of frozen veggie meatballs and toss them in spaghetti? If so, you may win someone’s heart next Valentine’s Day.

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