Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–“The China Study” Author On Dairy Protein

The China Study

The China Study

“I came from a dairy farm and started my career strongly believing in the nutritional value of this food, especially for its protein content. But, in our experiments, we documented multiple times a remarkable ability of the main protein of cow’s milk, casein, to promote cancer growth and to do so by a plethora of mechanisms. For many years, animal-based protein, like casein, has been known to increase blood cholesterol and encourage early stages of heart disease.”

Dr. T. Colin Campbell, author of “The China Study,” and inspiration for Bill Clinton going vegan on how dairy products may not do a body good like those milk commercials claim. And while casein protein has been associated with heart disease, soy protein has been found to benefit cholesterol by lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and raising HDL (good) levels.

Will the new slogan for health soon be, “Soymilk. It does a body’s heart good?”

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