Quantcast Vegetarian StarParis Hilton Urges Twitter Followers To Adopt Pets, Not Buy

Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton set an example for potential pet owners recently when she urged her Twitter followers to adopt their next four legged friend.

“This Christmas if you’re thinking of getting a dog or cat, get one at your local animal shelter. Save a Life. Don’t Shop, Adopt.”

Especially pleasing is Hilton’s choice of words–getting and not giving a pet as a Christmas present.  The only time an animal should ever be gotten as a present is if the pet owner is rewarding him or herself.

All too often, pets given as Christmas gifts are novelties until Valentine’s Day or so, when the reality that they may not be a good fit for the person or family sets in. The animals are then either recycled into other gifts or even worse–lose a home completely and are sent to shelters where they may never find another family again.

According to the North Wexford Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, a common disorder seen in pets moving from one owner to another is separation anxiety, the same disorder that may cause a pet to do some naughty and not nice things when the owner is away, further increasing the chances of it being “regifted” again.

Think about the lifespan of the pet, which is probably much longer than any of Hilton’s relationships. An item with a 15-20 year warranty is a lifetime commitment, not something made to return or exchange so easily.

Photo: PR Photos

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