Quantcast Vegetarian StarNellie McKay Explains How “Unknown Reggae” Makes Animal Rights Easy On The Ears

Nellie McKay

Nellie McKay incorporated some animal rights/veg lyrics in the song “Unknown Reggae” from her latest album released this past fall, Home Sweet Mobile Home.

With its upbeat tempo, Unknown Reggae may not seem like a song about serious activism, but listen carefully and you’ll hear McKay singing about a hamburger being someone’s mother. Could this happy tune be a way to easily introduce music enthusiasts to the idea of veganism without giving them a lecture?

Nellie tells Philly.com:

“I understand how the flesh is weak, and food is one of the only things you can count on at the end of the day. Animal rights, even more than human, is hard to make palatable because the truth is so horrible. But this song is fun to sing, and the band sounds great on it. I’d love for people to listen to it and change their diet, go animal-free. But you don’t have to be a healthy vegan. There’s still a lot of junk food to enjoy. Nobody who comes to my house can believe all the oil, the fake butter, the bags of potato chips laying around.”

Listen to McKay’s Unknown Reggae, which begins around minute 4:30 in the video below.

Photo: PR Photos

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