Quantcast Vegetarian StarDr. Oz Audience Prefers Organic In Taste Test (Video)

Dr. Mehmet Oz

Dr. Oz tackled the subject of genetically modified foods on a recent episode of his daytime talk show and invited three guests to join him on the debate, Jeffrey Smith, non-GM advocate and author of Seeds of Deception, Michael Hansen PhD of Consumer’s Union and Pamela C. Ronald PhD, genetic scientist and author of Tomorrow’s Table, who insists there is no scientific evidence that GM foods are harmful. A study looking at GM soy and sterility and mortality in hamsters may have you disagreeing with Ronald, though.

A quick poll of Oz’s audience reveled 80% of them preferred not to purchase genetically modified food and when it came down to a taste test between the two, all but one organic product was chosen over the conventional variety.

Dr. Oz’s audience tasted peanut butter, cereal, ketchup and frozen enchiladas. Only the conventional frozen enchiladas tasted better. Oz still feels organic is healthier than conventional and ended the segment stating his recommendations.

A similar taste test was conducted by Time Magazine involving eggs, carrots and cheese. Several well-known chefs were invited to participate including Amanda Cohen, owner of NYC’s Dirt Candy, an all-vegetable restaurant.

Watch to see what the culinary experts think about the taste of organic vs. conventional foods.

Photo: PR Photos

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