Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Super Meat Boy” Creator Former Vegetarian, Animal Control Officer

Super Meat Boy

Super Meat Boy

Edmund McMillen, one of the two men behind Super Meat Boy, has taken to the game’s official blog to discuss the feud between it and PETA. The animal rights group created a spin-off to Super Meat Boy, Super Tofu Boy, which replaces the bloody meat character with a block of tofu.

But Super Meat Boy isn’t a piece of meat, insists McMillen. Some other surprises–this super meat creator used to be a vegetarian.

“Meat Boy isn’t made of animal meat, he’s simply a boy without skin whose name is Meat Boy.”

“Now don’t get me wrong, i have NOTHING against Vegans or Vegetarians. I was Vegetarian for many years, and was an animal control officer who saved animals for a living for a long time, i empathize, understand and accept why people choose to eat, and live as they wish, and obviously i believe everyone should have the freedom to express themselves in anyway as long as it doesn’t hurt others.”

McMillen’s “beef” with PETA is what he believes is its stance on animal testing.

“I dont support an organization who is 100% against all animal testing, because that would mean my best friend in the world would be dead, not to mention his mother and many of my family members and friends who also are diabetic.”

Not wanting to get into a Twitter trash talk with Super Meat Boy like PETA did, we do want to discuss alternatives to animal testing that are often equal or superior to it. The Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine, which has conducted extensive research on diabetes, promotes medical and scientific advancement done without animal research and provides a few examples of how this can be done.

  • In vitro research–Using human cell and tissue culture, scientists can test for product safety. For example, tests that examine changes in genes in these cells give scientists insight for a drug’s toxicity on a particular organ.
  • In Silico (Computer) Technology–Computer programs can predict toxicity, metabolism and distribution of chemicals in various human tissue.

For more information on alternative medical research methods, visit PCRM.

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