Quantcast Vegetarian StarJason Ellis Gets Inked For PETA In What’s Hopefully Safe Tattoo Coloring

Jason Ellis

Jason Ellis

MMA fighter and proskater Jason Ellis shows off his impressive collection of tattoos for PETA2’s “Ink Not Mink,” campaign against fur.

Ellis has discussed animal rights issues with the group before. He once said of the tactics used on animals in the circus to coerce them to perform or behave, “You don’t know what’s going on in the circus. They don’t tell you, like, ‘Hey, man, just so you know, this elephant gets the s*** beaten out of him.”

The tiger definitely looks cuter on Ellis’ arm than jumping through hoops of fire.

We’ve briefly touched on the importance of making sure your tattoo is veg-friendly by choosing an artist that uses dyes with color pigments and other ingredients such as glycerin that aren’t sourced from animals.Now, a new study launched by the FDA could give insight to the safety of tattoo inks.

As This Dish Is Veg reports, there is more to the safety of tattooing than ensuring the needle is sterilized. Thimerosal, used to preserve tattoo ink, is a known neurotoxin (hence all the debates over the additive in vaccines and autism). In addition, pigments used in tattoos have never been declared safe for humans by the FDA.

Until the FDA learns more about these risks, one safe alternative may be FDA-approved biNK’d Temporary Tattoos. Made with vegetable-based inks, these may be the most eco and animal friendly alternatives available.

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