Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Eating” DVD Contains Fallacious Arguments Says Vegan Activist

"Eating" DVD

"Eating" DVD

“Eating,” is the DVD documentary casino mogul Steve Wynn watched that convinced him to go vegan. He subsequently ordered copies for all his employees.

Eating promises to touch on the effects of meat and dairy on human health, the environment and animal cruelty.

Vegan.com found it stayed true to its promise on the second and third claims, but isn’t completely thrilled with the film’s take on plant-based diets and health and you might be surprised to hear why.

“Basically, “Eating” frames a low-fat vegan diet as a cure-all for just about every physical malady. And, at one point, there’s even a suggestion that cancer patients bypass chemo and radiation and just go vegan. There are so many varieties, stages, and grades of cancer that this advice strikes me as completely reckless. Certainly, there’s much to be said for a plant-strong diet. And it’s hard to make the case of there being anything more healthful than a well-planned vegan diet. But activists always need to be looking for weaknesses in their arguments.”

Read more at Vegan.com.

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