Leona Lewis Fear Of Cats And Facebook Group For Cat Phobics
Written by Vegetarian Star on December 1st, 2010 in Animal Issues, Female Singers.
Leona Lewis is a vegetarian who loves animals and has demonstrated her compassion by partnering with animal welfare groups for various campaigns.
We’re sure she’d love for all homeless cats to be adopted. Just don’t expect her to sign any papers inviting kitty into her home.
The singer is reportedly fearful of “evil” cats, which she revealed on a DVD promoting her Labyrinth tour.
“A cat jumped on me the other week,” Lewis said. “They scare me. It hissed and scratched my legs – I didn’t know what to do! So I got up and shook my leg, but she was stuck to it. It was an evil cat. I don’t like evil cats.”
Anyone with a extreme fear of cats, even the non-evil ones, is said to have Ailurophobia (pronounced ahy-loor-uh-foh-bee-uh), or an abnormal fear of felines. The condition is popular enough to get its own group on Facebook.
Members have described their phobias on the wall with comments like, “im SOOO scared of cats, they always look evil, like they’re gonna pounce or something, almost every time I come across a cat, i either run away or shriek if they get too close for comfort. one time i even cried cuz one jumped in my lap and it freaked me out so much! i REALLY wanna get over it, cuz ive had the fear since i was real little, but yeah.”
Some report going through great lengths to avoid them.
“i always shit myself when im going 4 a walk and i see a cat i walk on the road then get back on the path when its passed.”
The group currently has 234 members who can confide in each other with stories of evil creatures that lurk behind the litter box.
Photo: PR Photos
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