Quantcast Vegetarian StarOlivia Munn Gets Puppy Mill, Obedience Lesson From Cesar Millan (Video)

When Olivia Munn was having trouble with a “bitch,” she sought the advice of none other than dog expert Cesar Millan.

It wasn’t that Munn was in need of purchasing dog training classes or lessons in become the leader of the pack, she was just irate at the female animal activist sitting next to her who just wants to get rid of puppy mills.

Milan quickly gives Munn a lesson in behavior and viewers a lesson on how they should view puppy mills if they love dogs.

“Puppy Mills reflect the wrong way in America,” Millan begins. “If America is going to call itself a dog lover country, we must treat dogs humanely.”

DoSomething.org lists 11 facts about puppy mills. Most Americans would agree that housing dogs in crowded and unsantitary conditions that pave the way for illness and infection is no humane way to treat a dog. According to Do Something, “The average puppy mill has between 65 and 75 animals housed in hutch-style cages with wire floors. The waste drops to the ground below and accumulates beneath the cage where flies and other gross things fester.”

Ruff! Get ’em Cesar.

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