Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Janet Jackson Struggles To Stay Vegetarian

“Since I was a kid, my family became vegetarians and I didn’t want to be left out so I became a vegetarian as well… That’s a lot of discipline for a kid to give up candy and all that good stuff… but I bounce back and forth. There are times when I’m a vegetarian, times when I’m a pescatarian. But I don’t eat meat… I’m still tempted… there’s so much that I love.”

Janet Jackson, on trying to stay veg. Don’t know of any candy that contains meat, but for anyone with a sweet tooth struggling to stay vegan, did you know there is a list of accidentally vegan candy you may not even know you’re not cheating with? Suck on all the Dum-Dums, Lemonheads and Twizzlers you want. And vegan candy bars? We’ve got you covered.

Photo: PR Photos

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