Quantcast Vegetarian StarJorge Garcia Of “Lost” Goes Vegetarian For Animals

Jorge Garcia Of “Lost” Goes Vegetarian For Animals

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 5th, 2010 in Actors, Animal Issues, Food & Drink.

Jorge Garcia may have been a little confused by vegan marshmallows, but he’s completely understanding of why he won’t be eating turkey this Thanksgiving or living on an island that doesn’t offer plant-based sources of nutrition.

“I’ve been a vegetarian for about four months now,” Garcia said.

Learning how animals are raised in crowded conditions and slaughtered prompted the change.

“It’s about the animals,” Garcia added.

Someone send this man a vegan chocolate marshmallow turkey! He’ll totally understand it now.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Jorge Garcia Of “Lost” Goes Vegetarian For Animals”

  1. vegangreenhorn Says:

    Yeah, Hurley! Veg power!