Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Rachael Ray “Look + Cook” Vegetable Pot Pies

Rachael Ray "Look + Cook"

Rachael Ray "Look + Cook"

Rachael Ray‘s latest book, Look + Cook, unfortunately, didn’t include an entire chapter of vegetarian recipes like the Big Orange Book did.

Look + Cook has an accompanying website which features videos of Rachael demonstrating a few of the recipes from the cookbook. Individual Vegetable Pot Pies from page 232 rivals a vegetable pocket more than a pie. But with it’s versatility (omit the egg and substitute vegan butter for vegan pot pies) and quickness (Ray promises a vegetable pot pie that takes less time to prepare than to thaw a frozen one), the Individual Vegetable Pot Pie and other recipes may or may not be worth purchasing the book, so it’s great you can get instructions from the website.

And points to Rachael for the carton of vegetable broth in the video. Emphasizing that a real vegetarian meal uses veggie broth, Ray then puts the carton down and chugs a load of chicken stock in hers, saying she prefers the taste of chicken and she’s only interested in making a “meat-free” meal, not a vegetarian one. Liquid chicken=liquid meat. But anyway…

One day the mainstream chefs will learn to appreciate the true flavor of a vegetarian and even vegan dish. Or introduce items like Better Than Bouillon Vegan Chicken Base to their repertoire.

Visit Rachael Ray to get the basics of the Individual Vegetable Pot Pies down.

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