Quantcast Vegetarian StarRihanna Promises To Go Fur-Free At “Rihanna” Book Signing

During a signing to promote her book, “Rihanna,” at the Fifth Avenue Barnes and Noble in New York City, a fan of singer Rihanna asked if she would consider going fur-free.

“I will,” Rihanna replied, which can be seen in a video here.

Does she sound serious?

Besides millions of animals being killed for fashion each year, some in the most brutal form like being skinned alive, despite what some advocates of the fur industry may tell you, fur never has and ain’t never goin’ be green!

Most fur comes from animals raised on factory farms, which create wastes that make their way into nearby rivers and streams.

Ammonia, another by-product of animal waste from factory farms, is also released, causing air pollution.

If keeping the animal in a cramped, unnatural condition that pollutes the earth wasn’t bad enough, consider the processes involved finishing the piece of fur as it goes from the animal’s hide to yours.

Fur is treated with chemicals like ammonia, formaldehyde, hydrogen peroxide and bleaches to both color it and prevent it from degrading.

Making real fur coats involves so much energy to feed and maintain animals with drugs and antibiotics, preserve and finish the product and transport the materials for potential sale that it’s estimated it takes 15 times as much energy to produce real fur versus a fake one.

Photo: PR Photos


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One Response to “Rihanna Promises To Go Fur-Free At “Rihanna” Book Signing”

  1. Katherine Says:

    no, I don’t think she was serious 🙁