Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Carl Lewis Says Carrots Behind His Healthy Glow

“Carrots, beets, celery, fennel and apple. I have carrot and apple in everything. It’s amazing what carrots do to your skin. It gives you a glow.”

Carl Lewis, Olympic medalist, on what he juices with during an interview he gave to Express Night Out, while in town to inaugurate the Carl Lewis 3K walk/5K run, as part of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Challenge, which highlights sporting events for individuals with developmental disabilities.

Lewis isn’t the only one who thinks carrots make you beautiful. Yes To Carrots, a sub-brand of Yes To Inc., uses carrot juice and carrot seed oil in its line of paraben and cruelty-free beauty care products for face, body, lips and hair.

Yes To Carrots promotes beauty on the inside as well, as it uses the Yes To Carrots Seed Fund, a U.S. 501(c)3 non-profit organization aiming to help communities in poverty access healthy, organic food by providing them with seeds, plants, equipment, irrigation support and education in sustainable farming.

Photo: PR Photos

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