Quantcast Vegetarian StarSade Gives Up Vegetarian After Salivating Over Lamb

After nine years of vegetarianism, singer Sade has announced she has no problem eating Mary the little lamb.

“I hate to say this,” she said in an interview with All About Jazz, “but when I saw these lambs gamboling through the field and I started to salivate and I thought I should get to the tandoori shop quick before I pull a leg off one of the lambs. It’s weird. I just thought the natural thing to do right now was to eat meat. I went through the whole veggie period thinking that was a good thing, and maybe it was for that time.”

It’s funny how Sade thinks it’s “natural” to eat lamb, when raising the animal is actually quite an unnatural process.

Lamb is sheep meat that is less than a year old and most lamb arrives at the market around 6-8 months of age. Instead of weening for a normal time period, the babies are quickly introduced to a diet consisting of corn, barley and milo.

The animals are also sentient beings. According to the Humane Society, sheep remember and recognize faces of their flock after years of separation.

Photo: PR Photos

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2 Responses to “Sade Gives Up Vegetarian After Salivating Over Lamb”

  1. Stephanie Heckman Says:

    How sick! Even when I was a meat eater (four years ago), I never got hungry by seeing a live animal. It never made me salivate or even think about meat. How can anyone be like that?

  2. Heather Says:

    Daaammmn. I’m really sorry to hear that. I think she has a lovely voice and all, but that’s just neolithic and macabre. Just her describing it that way takes away that light that I used to see in her.