Quantcast Vegetarian StarJane Velez-Mitchell Takes On Meat Loving Chef Tim Love

Tim Love Jane Velez-Mitchell

Tim Love Jane Velez-Mitchell. Credit: Eatocracy

Chef Tim Love has anything but love for the vegetarian diet. Hoping to silence the veggie hoopla, he hopped onto CNN’s 5@5 to list the reasons why he thought cream of broccoli can’t compete with chicken fried steak. However, Jane Velez-Mitchell, host of HLN’s Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell jumped into the ring and fired back with five punches of her own as to why veg is the only way to go.

When Love said:

“Eating vegetarian may seem like the healthier option (and, probably, often is), but when it comes down to it, meat, in moderation, provides much needed protein, iron and amino acids. As long as you don’t go overboard and eat one of those 15-pound burgers you see on TV, you should be fine.”

Jane said:

“If huge amounts of protein were the key to perfect health, America would be the healthiest nation on earth because we eat a lot more meat than people in most other countries. But, we’re not the healthiest. Two thirds of us are overweight or obese and the crisis is accelerating. The drumbeat of protein is a selling tool – pure and simple – and we’ve all bought into it. Americans are getting more protein than they need.”

“There are plenty of plant-based protein sources. Ditto for iron and other essential vitamins. I’ve been vegan for a decade and a half and I’ve never been accused of not having enough energy. In fact, when I went vegan, my energy level shot off the scales. A growing number of professional athletes are going vegan and seeing their performance improve. Just in terms of common sense, look at a horse. It eats grass and hay and is extremely muscular and fast. We like to say, “eat around the animal.”

Read the showdown for yourself and call the winner at Eatocracy.

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