Quantcast Vegetarian StarSocial Network’s Jesse Eisenberg Almost Throws Punches Over Vegetarianism

Don’t let the baby face fool you. Jesse Eisenberg would have thrown a few punches in the name of vegetarianism if some paranoid, unsocial suspecting vegetarian would’ve kept up his attitude about being asked questions about the meatless lifestyle.

The actor who plays Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg in The Social Network said he almost got into a fight with someone on the subway just because the guy said vegetariansim was a personal question.

“I got in a fight with somebody on the subway once because I asked if they were a vegetarian, and he said that was too personal, and I got angry,” Eisenberg told Popeater.

“I said, ‘That’s not personal.’ He said it is. I said I just became a vegetarian and I was wondering if he had any tips. And he said, ‘That’s not appropriate to ask somebody.’ I said you work in an animal shelter, I felt it would be. And then it took off.”

Ironically, neither Zuckerberg nor the director of The Social Network David Fincher use Facebook. But not everyone is a fan of the billion dollar website. Speaking of Facebook founders, some have questioned some earlier gossip received that Zuckerberg is a vegan. Any updates?

Photo: PR Photos

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4 Responses to “Social Network’s Jesse Eisenberg Almost Throws Punches Over Vegetarianism”

  1. Katherine Says:

    That seems like a really bizzare thing to fight about.

    I think it is awesome that he is a vegetarian, but confronting people on public transportation and then getting into fights with them gives the whole cause and lifestyle a bad name 🙁

  2. Trinity Says:

    They were probably not vegetarians so they didn’t want to look like a hypocrite since they work at an animal shelter.

  3. serena Says:

    I have a friend that works in the intake department of an animal shelter and she’s the only vegan. A random member of the public came in with cookies that she made vegan because she assumed they all were vegan if they worked at an animal shelter. Sad thing is that a lot of animal shelters hold BBQs and such where they eat a lot of meat without thinking twice.

  4. Jess Says:

    The whole fight story was probably made up. Jesse lies a lot in interviews. It’s actually pretty funny to hear the BS he comes up with. Though he is a professed vegetarian, that part is true.