Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Tal Ronnen Challenges Le Cordon Bleu Chefs To Creative Vegetarian Cooking

“It would be great for me to end up at your restaurant and not be served portobello mushrooms with penne pasta.”

Tal Ronnen, encouraging chefs to get creative with plant based dishes. For some vegetarian patrons, portobello mushrooms and penne pasta is much more creative than the standard “house salad” or veggie burger that you can buy frozen in the grocery store option.

Ronnen made a stop at Le Cordon Bleu in Portland to demonstrate creative vegetarian cooking techniques with Gardein vegetable protein–a faux meat product he helped develop. Dishes on Ronnen’s exhibit list for the day included fresh pasta with tofu and palm oil as an egg substitute, his celery root and apple soup recipe from his book, The Conscious Cook, and an udon noodle cake dish with Gardein “chicken” scaloppini.

Ronnen will be a featured guest at Portland’s Veg Fest this Saturday and Sunday, September 18th and 19th, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday-Sunday at the Oregon Convention Center.

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