Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Top Chef: Just Desserts”–Zac Young The Former Vegan Baker

"Top Chef: Just Desserts" Zac Young

"Top Chefs Just Desserts" Zac Young

Top Chef: Just Desserts premieres tonight on Bravo at 11/10C. The pastry chef’testants will battle it out with butter over who can bring home the trophy for satisfying the judges sweet tooth.

Zac Young is a fine young man from Portland, Maine who’s strayed from his roots. He was born to a vegan mother, so he, “never had chocolate mousse, but knew all too well the flavor of a tofu and carob pudding,” according to the Huffington Post.

Now Young makes pastries with dairy, which his blurb says still makes his mother proud, but we’d like to challenge him to take it a step further and wow the judges with a vegan pastry like the days of him and mom in the kitchen.

Vegan bakers like Chloe Coscarelli are shining on cooking television shows and while we don’t expect Young to bake vegan every week, it sure would be nice if one day he showed what soy butter can do. Maybe even leave out the gluten ingredients.

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